Hit Sync to Reach Your Creative Goals

Charles Parsons
2 min readDec 16, 2020

The new year is upon us. You could say it’s inevitable. After a topsy-turvy 12 months that shall remain nameless, you’re probably feeling a bit like me: A little out of tune, wondering how to get your bearings.

Hopefully, you’ve got some goals. Maybe it’s writing that screenplay, publishing that manuscript, finishing that story, creating that trailer, taking that series of photos, or starting that podcast.

If not, that’s OK too. I’m here to say it — you don’t have to know yet, you just have to be ready to explore.

In the Tip section of The New York Times a few weeks ago, contributing writer Malia Wollan (@mwollan) wrote about “How to Get in Sync with Someone.

What stood out to me was the idea that synchronicity equals unity. Not talking — just making the same movements — can put you in rhythm and get you on the same frequency. You can even get this feeling by closing your eyes and visualizing walking together in lockstep.

I wonder if this could apply not just to people but to things. To goals.

It’s a challenge, for sure, for so many creatives to get out there and experience community. To connect. Worries crop up. We might wonder what will happen if they don’t like our work or, even worse, if they’ll steal some brilliant idea we plan on having (someday). We’ve probably also been taught that creativity happens in a vacuum. That the true artist is a lone wolf.

Here’s my suggestion. Insert yourself. Maybe through a course, digitally — one that has other people in it (those other courses have their time and place, but this is not the time and place!). Maybe volunteer at a journal or publication. Maybe join an organization like Literary Cleveland (or whatever the equivalent is in your city).

Challenge yourself to give a Zoom reading or promote your work in some way. Or call up that collaborator you used to work with in college. Sign up for your trade’s publication and see what others are doing. I, for one, am renewing my subscription to Poets & Writers magazine.

But, for a moment, indulge me. Close your eyes and imagine how you can get in sync via creative community.

Don’t keep them closed for too long though!

Get out a pen and jot down all your ideas. Post them somewhere. Start ticking them off one by one. And tell me about it! I want to improve my creative habits by hearing about yours.



Charles Parsons

Copywriter by day. Obsessive reader, film critic, fiction writer, friend to poets, cats, and environmental crusaders at all times. Opinions are my own.